Occupational noise regulations state the type and grade of sound level meter that you should use and the measurements that should be taken. The noise meters and noise dosimeters listed on this page satisfy the regulations and safety professional guidelines.
Most regulations define the equipment needed to carry out a noise at work risk assessment and this rules out the use of a lower cost basic sound level meter. You generally need a calibrated Class 2 Sound Level Meter, with many regulations (such as those used throughout Europe) requiring an Integrating meter. You also need a suitable Sound Level Calibrator. The meters we recommend above are the most cost effective options for occupational noise assessments.
Free web applications to calculate worker noise exposure and for checking the performance of hearing protectors.
If you have applications other than noise at work then we have a large range of meters to satisfy. Maybe you need to measure environmental noise too, in which case a Class 1 sound level meter would be more suitable.
Please visit our Catalogue for a full list of the meters we offer.